2025 Grant Panel Nomination Form

Please fill out this short form if you are interested in serving as a Grant Panelist for our 2025 Cycle. 

We also encourage you to send this form to other folks you feel would make great Panelists - we want to reach a wide range of arts & culture experts throughout Brooklyn. This is a great learning opportunity for artists who have been/would like to be Grantees...we'll try to find a panelist slot in a fund you are not applying to so you can benefit from this professional development opportunity!  

Deadline: October 21st, 2024

Early submissions are encouraged, but Nominations after that date will still be accepted and reviewed in the case there is still a need. 

 Panel nominees should be reliable individuals with a commitment to the arts, knowledge of Brooklyn communities, and expertise in an artistic discipline, arts administration, or community arts programming.   BAC strives to appoint panels that are diverse in terms of ethnicity, gender, age, culture, geographic representation, and artistic focus.  Because of the need to form well-balanced panels, we may not be able to consider all the qualified people who are nominated.   

Panelist duties include: 

- Reviewing a Panelist Training Video & Handbook; submitting paperwork for payment 

- Scoring of 15-45 applications (scores due one week before Panel Day)  - Participation in group review during day-long panel meeting with 2-6 other panelists (most likely on Zoom)  - Availability during December 24'-February '25

 Panelists receive: 

- Honorarium ranging from $75-$250, dependent on # of applications reviewed  

- Public recognition of panel service and an invitation to the annual Grantee Celebration

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.